7 tips for creating an effective billboard – Simple!
“You know you’ve achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away.”
--- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Artist
1. Keep fonts easy to read. Plain and simple is best.
2. All letters and numbers must be large enough to read quickly.
3. Keep adequate spacing between words and lines
4. Using high contrasting colors. Yellow and black are best.
5. Keep images simple.
6. Make sure your company name or logo is easily noticed.
7. Use only 8 to 10 words in your entire ad. Keep it simple
If you are designing your own creative. Download Art spec sheets.
Art Specs
Download Pdf
Art Specs
Note : To insure the highest quality, the following digital Art file guidelines are recommended for billboard production:
Art File: 1”=1’ (one inch = one foot) Scale @ 300 dpi
Please add 1” in canvas size for bleed.
Example: a 14’x48‘: File needs to be 14”x48” @ 300 dpi. With bleed: 15“x49”
Convert all FONTS to outline. Embedded photos at 300 dpi.